Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Posting for the sake of Posting

Haven't had a lot of free time at work lately. I still owe you guys a treatise on Star Wars, but that will take a while. Some news:

  • I got another couple assignments from Next Generation. They finally ran my modding article but the editor added a bunch of stuff about the GTA Hot Coffee Mod that's in the news. The first few paragraphs aren't by me but the rest of it is. Check it out anyways.
  • The short film I produced last year is going to debut at its first film festival in a couple of weeks.
  • I am not gay.
More on this later.


Anonymous said...

Your gay? I always had an inkling that it might be so.

Greg Tito said...

Yes. It's true. I can give you more than an inkling if you want.