Saturday, September 10, 2005

Interesting side note

After sleeping fitfully through the last two hours of my "shift" (waking only to have a very jovial man deliver two Genie lifts at six thirty, giving him the key to a forklift so that he could carry them two blocks from his 28 foot truck which was parked on Water St. and "Could not even think of getting his truck up Wall St." [incidentally, i had a moment of panic after i gave him the key to the forklift, wondering if this was all some weird ruse to steal a forklift and I just watched speed away at 5 mph] [incidentally again, at 7:45am there were not one, but two 28 foot trucks full of scenery on Wall St. proving that the jovial fat man was in fact full of poop]), I awoke to Raemo bustling in at 7:30am. I made some sembalnce of awakitude, filled out paperwork so I could get paid for my 9.25 hours of non-work and got the hell out of the business district.

I arrived at my car only to see the dreaded orange envelopee under my windshield wiper. I don't get it. I stood and studied those parking signs like they were the SATs last night, assuring myself that I parking as legally as the law allows. And here I owe Mr. Bloomberg $115. There goes my extra money for the night.

But I'm going to fight this one. You can contest any ticket, even if it only means that you don't pay until 8 months later. I think I actually have a case with this one. Of course, I didn't have my digital camera with me to document my innocence, but let me try to clarify. I was parked in a space with a parking meter (which usually means your safe), the signs (plural) said no parking from 8am to 8pm MON. -> FRI. (this being a saturday, I didn't sweat it) and there were thre other vehicles parked on the same side of the street with no apparent ticket. Upon looking at the ticket further, I see that it says "Temporary Construction Posted" (whatever the fuck that means). I looked down the block and sure enough, behind some trees, was a 8" x 12" sign that said "no standing anytime, special construction notice." Wouldn't you have put that over by the real permanent signs? Wouldn't you put a bag or a sign on the parking meters so you didn't induce people to pay precious hard-earned quarters to park illegally? I was livid. I slammed my volvo door and broke some more interior plastic. Sorry, Sparky.

Oh, and I checked the time on the ticket. It was issued at 7:45am. It was 8:05am when I got to my car. Fuck you M. Charles, whereever you are!


Anonymous said...

Your blog is great If you a health issue, I'm sure you'd be interested in Crohn's Disease Stop Crohn's Disease

Greg Tito said...

If I a heatlh issue?

If you a asshole.

Debbie Downer said...

Yeah, that ticket sucks, but remember that time I got towed?

Rain Delay said...

I believe towed is prison talk for butt sex...

Greg Tito said...

@Debbie Downer: Wah, wannnnnnh!

bern said...

I'm Debbie Downer. Hmmm, I guess if I use a pseudonym then you will respond to my comments. Victory!

Greg Tito said...

I knew you were Debbie, dude. And no, now I will never respond to you ever again!