Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I think I may be hanging up the microphone for a while.

Thus far in my professional life, I've often felt that I have too many aspirations. Just in the sphere of writing, I have put equal energy into being a comic, a playwright, an author, a journalist and a screenwriter. No one succeeds at that many professions. Shit, most people can't make it as one of them.

In order to be a successful comic, you have to get on stage. I've met guys who get up every night of the week. They make it their mission to be in front of an audience and craft their jokes over several hundred nights of experience. I don't have the ability to spend that much time. At my best, most productive stage, I was getting up once a week. And that was a just few big shows interspersed with open mics. I'd love to say it was because I have other obligations. I have a wife, I play in a basketball league, I have a weekly gaming group. But I know that, honestly, if I wanted to perform every night, I could have. The truth is that I don't possess the necessary drive. That's a hard thing to admit, but for my sanity I have to pull back somewhere and stand up has had too much of an impact on my psyche.

Getting up in front of people and making them to laugh will always be one of my joys. It's a great feeling and I'm glad that I experienced it as much as I did. I know that I will always have the ability to stand up, grab the mic, and say some funny stuff. That's a good skill to have. And who knows, I may pick it up again in a month or a year. If there is anything I'm consistent with, it is my inconsistency.

For now though, I plan to concentrate on what was my first passion, writing stories. Arguably, it's what I'm the best at. It's what I'm drawn to. When I was a kid and the grownups asked me what I wanted to do, I always answered "I want to be a writer." It's still true. I want to write the next LOTR or at least take up Robert Jordan's mantle.

There is also the possibility of attending school. Part of me would like to become a teacher and get that house in the country that has been looking so attractive the past few years. And maybe get Mephistopheles to pop out a few shorties. That biological clock is ticking honey. Let's get on the ball.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in the past and come to my shows. I know it wasn't easy and I appreciate every morsel of support extended to me. You are a big reason why doing stand up was so fun and I will miss seeing you laugh from the stage.

The microphone is on the hook.


Andrew said...

You will be missed. Sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this, and you're good at enough muses that you could always pick up one again if it was calling. Just don't stop bringing the funny.

kristin1724 said...

Wow, I don't think I have ever heard someone's desire to maybe be a father put so eloquently! "And maybe get Mephistopheles to pop out a few shorties. That biological clock is ticking honey. Let's get on the ball." Nice! What a lucky woman.

Abbi Crutchfield said...

Well I am recounting the story of your legendary comedic status until it becomes as indestructable as the "Pretzel jar-refiller doesn't wash his hands after he goes to the can" rumor.

Mephastopheles is a nickname for your wiener, right?