Thursday, February 08, 2007

Why I love the internets

I was on friend's blog and noticed a new link to Neal Pollack's blog, author of Alternadad, that book I've seen all over bookstores in NYC. Scrolling down there, I see a bit about him responding to a critical review. I click and read the response. Then I go and read the original review by Lisa Carver. Then I click here for some of cutest shit ever captured by human beings. If we could harness the frenetic cute-energy of those videos a la Monsters, Inc., we wouldn't need to stabilize shit in the middle east.

And just like that, an hour of my life is gone.


Frank said...

OMG, you're not going to want to breed now, are you?

Greg Tito said...

yes, and there will be rugrats abound.